Leslie Harkema is Assistant Professor of Spanish, having joined the Department of Spanish and Portugese at Yale in the fall of 2012. She earned an M.A. in Comparative Literature from the University of Georgia at Athens in 2007 and a Ph.D. in Hispanic Language and Literatures from Boston University in 2012. Her research focuses on 19th- and 20th-century Peninsular literature, with a particular interest in how post-Enlightenment literature in Spain responds to political, relilgious, and scientific discourses within modernity. Her current book project, based on her doctoral dissertation, is a study of the relationship between the prolific essayist and poet Miguel de Unamuno anf a group of writers known in the 1920s as “La Joven Literatura” (“The Young Literature”), later referred to as the Generation of 1927. In 2011, she was awarded a Fulbright grant to carry out archival research for this project in Madrid and Salamanca.
At Yale, Professor Harkema teaches courses on Spanish culture and Modern Peninsular Literature. She can be reached at leslie.harkema@yale.edu.