Chief, Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Joseph M. Sanzari Children’s Hospital, Hackensack University Medical Center
I am a Yale ‘96 grad. I attended medical school at Columbia, trained in pediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical Center (NY) and pediatric emergency medicine at Children’t National Medical Center (DC).
My true passion is global health, especially emergency care for children in the developing world. I received a Fulbright grant to travel to Malawi for 6 months and start a system to collect information on injured children who come to one of the country’s biggest hospitals. My interests continue to take me around the world to speak at international emergency medicine and pediatrics conferences and develop quality improvement projects with pediatric emergency centers. I started the BR Health Careers Mentoring Program in 2009, to match interested BR undergrads with faculty involved in health care.
I can be contacted at david.walker@aya.yale.edu.