Branford Aides

The Head of College Office at Branford College has a staff of wonderful Aides who work in the Office and can help students with anything from handing out keys to reserving rooms. During the academic year, contact them directly via email at, or drop by the Head of College Office during business hours (9am-5pm weekdays). You’ll also see them hard at work at most Branford events. To learn more about our Aides, click on their links below. Our Head Branford Aides for 2024-2025 are Kasey Maguire and Emma Polinsky.

Kawthar Al Janabi ‘26

Seung Min Baik ‘26

Elena Bouldin ‘26

Daniela Chaclan ‘26

Alyssa Chang ‘27

Niva Cohen ‘27

Juan Carlos Gonzalez ‘27

Lauren Hartz ‘25

Simona Hausleitner ‘25

Abbey Kim, ‘25

Brenda Kim, ‘25

Gloria Kunnapilly ‘27

Christine Ling ‘27

Ariela Lopez ‘27

Kasey Maguire, ‘25

Kamille Makselyte ‘27

Zach Moynihan ‘25

Cameron Nye ‘27

Emma Polinsky, ‘25

Kate Reynolds ’25

Alicia Rivera ‘27

Anika Seth ‘25