- Please note: These may or may not be* loosely based on actual questions the Dean’s office has received.
*probably are
Q: I get too many emails! Why should I read this one?
A: BECAUSE WE SAID SO! That’s not a good reason? Oh, ok. How about because it will make your life easier? Life is hard enough, isn’t it?
At Yale, “as a condition of enrollment … every student is required to comply with the academic regulations. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with these regulations, and an assertion of ignorance cannot of their provisions cannot be accepted as a basis for an exception to them.” The regulations also say that “no student or group of students should be expected to be warned individually to conform to any of the regulations.”
We try to keep you up to date with all the things you need to know, and we try to not send out more email than necessary. Not to overstate if, but if you don’t read our emails, you are taking your life into your own hands.
Q: How do I know who to contact for ALL. THE. THINGS???
A: Here’s a very general overview of who to contact for various matters:
Dean’s Office: Academic matters: academic forms, petitions, leaves of absence, Dean’s Extensions, advising, Monday morning “Dean’s Notes” (if you read nothing else in your email, read those!) For help with all these matters and more, get in touch with Jen - 203-432-0520 or jennifer.dellacamera@yale.edu.
Head of College Office: Community matters: keys, room reservations, access to practice rooms, scheduling anything with Head DLC, planning events, funding requests, Mellon Forums, Branford Teas, etc. For these types of matters you can go to see any of the Branford Aides or call Joan Dempsey – (203) 432-0524 or Rachel Lyke – (203) 432-0529.
Yale College Community Care – “YC3”: wellness sessions, mental health resources, roommate disagreements, time management (please note that we now have our very own YC3 office in Branford O11!) You can find all the info on YC3 and a link to making an appointment with a wellness specialist here: https://yalecollege.yale.edu/getting-help/yale- college-community-care-yc3
Facilities: Questions should be directed to Ian Hobbs (ian.hobbs@yale.edu). To submit a facilities work request (raise/lower bed, custodial needs, pest control) go to the website https://facilities.yale.edu and click on “submit a request” in the right hand corner.
Q: Where is the Dean’s Office?
A: Entryway J. Next to the Head of College office. Take a left when you walk in the door.
Q: How do I address you?
A: Our Dean can be addressed as Dean Galindo or Dean G. You can call Jen… Jen. Sometimes she gets emails addressed to “Dean DellaCamera” or “Doctor DellaCamera”, and that does amuse her.
[A note from Dean G.: Jen knows everything, and she keeps this office running. Please make sure you are always respectful when you speak with her. We understand that Yale is stressful and that individual students go through difficult stuff, but my expectation is that you will always, always treat Jen with respect and consideration.]
Q: How do I make an appointment with Dean Galindo?
A: To make an appointment to see the Dean, you can just click on the Calendly link here and schedule a time.
If your matter is urgent, or you can’t access the Calendly page, you can always call Jen (203-432-0520) or send her an email that looks something like this:
“Hi, Jen. Is Dean Galindo free to meet this week to discuss the possibility of adopting a live squirrel for the college? I’ve got availability on Monday from 9-5, Tuesday from 10-2 and Wednesday from 11-3. Thanks!” Please make sure to include a wide range of times in this type of email, so Jen has a better chance of finding a window that works for both you and Dean G.
Q: Is it really possible to adopt a live squirrel for the college?
A: You’ll never know unless you ask!
Q: Where can I go to get candy and cuddle with cute animals?
A: The Dean’s Office, of course! We stock our candy daily and both Alyosha and Ollie (rescue dogs) are here often and love to be doted on! Dean G’s other dog, Merkel, also makes surprise visits. Please note: Dean G and Jen love all of you, but sometimes we have sensitive business to attend to so puppy-cuddling visits might be limited.
Ollie Alyosha & Merkel
Q: But dogs make me nervous. Can I opt out?
A: Certainly – visits are dog-optional! if you have any worries, please let us know when you arrive (or call and let us know) and we will respond accordingly! We don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.
Q: What if I don’t necessarily need a meeting with Dean Galindo, but I just want to stop by to chat and say hi?
A: Dean Galindo’s office hours are usually pretty busy, but she regularly eats in the dining hall and encourages you to join her for coffee or lunch (you can sign up on the Calendly). She’s always happy to say hi in the dining hall or courtyard, but if you need something specific, please email or make an appointment for office hours.
Q: How do I know when all the academic deadlines are?
A: Well, in addition to the Yale College Calendar, the Dean sends out weekly “Dean’s Notes” on Mondays that outline everything you need to know about what’s coming up. We highly recommend you read those, even if you’ve ignored the broader advice in Q1 (life! into! your! own! hands)!
Q: I have moved/changed my phone number/etc. How to I update my contact information in the system?
A: You can update your info via Yale Hub. Please be sure to keep on top of this – if we need to reach you in an emergency, this is how we contact you.
Q: I need an unofficial transcript! Make that happen!
A: Technically that’s not a question, but I’ll answer anyway. The Dean’s office DOES NOT print unofficial transcripts. Ollie won’t either, so stop trying to bribe him. The best way to get an unofficial copy of your record is to use Yale Hub. You can also get an unofficial transcript on Degree Audit, using the “Class History” function. Alternately, you can contact the Registrar’s office to obtain an official transcript. Please see more about this on our website: http://branford.yalecollege.yale.edu/resources/academic-resources
Q: I like late night appointments. Can I make an appointment for 2am with Dean Galindo?
A: NO. Dean Galindo is busy at 2am (rumor has it she is a member of a late-night polka band, so she’ll likely be wailin’ on the accordion at that time). She ONLY takes appointments during normal business hours, which are Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 5pm unless there is a very compelling reason for her to meet outside of that time frame.
Q: I wrote to Jen at 3am on Saturday and now it’s Sunday and she hasn’t written me back yet. What’s the deal?
A: Jen actually gets to go home on the weekends. Evenings, too. We know it seems unconventional, but we find our employees work best when they get to have a home/work balance. The same applies to the Dean. Again, the Branford Dean’s Office hours are 8:30-5, with a break for lunch.
Q: I missed a deadline for sealing my schedule, but it’s only 5:05pm – can’t I just bang on Jen’s window and ask her to fix it?
A: No. Just… no. All YCDO deadlines are at 5pm. Since everything has gone electronic, we have no means of circumnavigating the system to get your form in on time. Our office has nothing to do with late fees, so you’re out of luck.
Q: I texted Jen at (203) 432-0520 and she hasn’t texted me back. What’s going on?
A: Believe it or not, our offices use landlines. That means we can’t accept text messages on our phones, and your text is floating somewhere in the deepest bowels of the Twilight Zone.
Q: I called and left a voicemail on Jen’s phone. I know I didn’t leave my name or number, but doesn’t Jen just know who called anyway?
A: No. Jen wishes she knew each and every one of you by your voice, but unfortunately she doesn’t. If you want a return call, please speak clearly and leave your full name and phone number. This is a good tip for any time you leave a voicemail, unless you’re calling your mom, who presumably knows who you are and how to reach you.
Q: Why would I want to meet with the Dean, anyway?
A: She’s here to help advise you academically. If you’re not going to class or doing your assignments, she will call you in to make sure everything is OK and figure out how to get you back on track. She’s also here to be a common-sense fellow adult who can make you look more closely at your academic choices: have you decided to drop a class just because you don’t feel like taking the midterm? Are you clinging to a class that isn’t keeping you excited and is interfering with your wellbeing? If you’re not sure about what you want to do at Yale, she can help you figure out your strengths. If you’re having problems that are interfering with your ability to do your work, she can help you solve them. She’s pretty much open to talking about anything that’s affecting you that you could use some adult help with. She’s really nice, and her goal is to help you to succeed here, as a scholar and as a person.
Additional resources:
Q: There are a number of things I need. Does the Dean’s Office handle all of them?
A: While we are happy to connect you with whatever department you might need, often it is faster to contact the department directly. Here are some resources to get you started:
- This may seem obvious, but don’t sleep on Google!! Often a quick search will get you to the resource you need.
- For routine academic questions, you should consult the Yale College Programs of Study.
- For registration issues, forms (add/drop, leave of absence, etc), system errors or questions having to do with Canvas or Degree Audit, etc. you should contact the Registrar’s Office or email them at registrar@yale.edu.
- For all financial aid questions, you would refer to the Student Financial Services department. We do not handle any billing issues, so they should always be your first stop for that.
- For medical accommodations, you should contact the Student Accessibility Services department. This is also helpful if you sustain an injury and need transportation to/from classes or other assistance.
- For medical issues you should contact the Yale Health Plan.
- For mental health issues you should call Mental Health & Counseling at 203-432-0290 or Yale College Community Care (YC3).
- For emergencies while on campus, please call Yale Health Acute Care (203-432-0123) or the Yale Police Department (203-432-4400) as appropriate.
- For medical advice related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, you can call the Campus COVID Resource Line at 203-432-6604.