The college maintains a roster of graduate and professional students who are selected in early fall and late spring drafts. These affiliates are available to give Branfordians advice on their studies, careers, and grad school, and they host events and study breaks for students. Feel free to reach out to any graduate affiliate; they are here for you! (Please direct all general inquiries about Branford’s graduate affiliate program to
Allegra Ayida
Matt Beck
Richard Chang
Christopher Chung
Jordan Cozby
Adam Crittenden
Hailey Davis
Mariana Do Carmo
Brianna Edmunds
Matt Golden
Ulas Berk Karli
Laurel Kaye
Sara Locke
Rei Marshall
Alyssa Menz
Sally MyungJin Shin
Thomas Pointer
Kathleen Quaintance
Rob Rioux
Priscilla Samey
Rachel Schmitt
Raphaelle Soffe
Dimitria Spathakis
Jacob Thrasher
Peri Wivell