Dwight Professor Emeritus of Philosophy & Christian Ethics
Professor Outka taught in the Department of Religion at Princeton University for ten years, before joining the Yale faculty in 1975. He is the author of Agape: An Ethical Analysis and has co-edited and contributed to the following volumes: Norm and Context in Christian Ethics (with Paul Ramsey) and Religion and Morality and Prospects for a Common Morality (both with John P. Reeder, Jr.). His God and the Moral Life: Conversations in the Augustinian Tradition, was published by Oxford University Press in 2007. He has also published Universal Love and Impartiality in the volume The Love Commandments. His articles appear in various journals and encyclopedias, including The Journal of Religious Ethics, Religious Studies Review, the Journal Ethics Journal, the Dictionary of Christian Ethics, the Encyclopedia of Ethics, The Thomist, the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Companion to Philosophy of Religion, The Blackwell Companion to Religious Ethics, and the Oxford Handbook of Theological Ethics. From 1992 to 1995, he chaired Yale’s Department of Religious Studies. Hew was also President of the Society of Christian Ethics in 2001.
He can be contacted at gene.outka@yale.edu.