Thomas McGlashan, MD is Professor of Psychiatry in the Yale School of Medicine. He was a student in Branford College in the class of 1963. After Yale he studied medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and psychiatry at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center (Harvard). He moved with family, wife Patricia and daughters Lara and Jennifer, to Washington DC., pursuing psychiatric (and psychoanalytic) practice and research, and specializing in the study and treatment of patients with severe mental illnesses, primarily schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. He returned to Yale in 1990 to join the faculty of the Department of Psychiatry and the School of Medicine as the CEO of Yale Psychiatric Institute (now Yale Psychiatric Hospital). For the past decade he has been on the staff of the Connecticut Mental Health Center as a clinician and researcher. His research over the past two decades has become focused on the early identification, treatmennt and prevention of psychotic disorders. He currently resides with Patricia in Branford, CT.